Triangular Tube Testing

posted: Saturday, 13 September 2014

Almost since I began beading I've trying to achieve my own holy grail of a project - a beaded peyote stitch triangular tube that stays the same width throughout, remains tubular and can bend.

So far, despite many, many hours of experimenting, I've not managed it.

It seems like an easy thing to achieve, and in my head it completely works, but when put into reality and physical form with beads their size and solidity means I've not had any luck.

But after a few more hours of beading today I think I may have actually cracked it, or at least come closer than I ever have before.

It might not look like much but this small section of a beaded tube is in reality an obvious triangle, has a curve in it and still has some flexibility.

I'm working it using some of the gorgeous new Duracoat opaques and really enjoying playing with the colours and coming up with new schemes based on the ones I include in the pack.

Keep an eye out for this one day being a complete project with all its kinks worked out and issues solved.