Sticks & Stones Bracelet

posted: Monday, 11 August 2014

I have long been inspired by city skylines and especially of London with its tower blocks of varying heights.

I have so many memories from a young age of being driven over London's Westway and the view it affords. Tired and bored in the back of the car I would look out at grey London and love it if people had their washing out to dry on their balconies and each level was filled with colour.

Taking that as my inspiration I designed, and have been working away for a long while, on this reversible Cubic Right-Angle Weave bracelet that incorporates different heights and colours to reflect what I would look at as a passenger for all those years.

I have called the bracelet Sticks & Stones partly as it is made up of 'sticks' of beadwork using coloured 'stones' for decoration and partly because of the children's rhyme that reminds me of being a tiny passenger for all that time.

This project, and its variations which I'll offer sneak peeks of soon, will be a class throughout 2015 and 2016 so make sure you keep an eye out here for information or sign up to my newsletter to find out when and where.