BeadFX 2014 Day 2

posted: Saturday, 28 June 2014

My second day at BeadFX and today's class is Geometric Suspensions.

I always love getting to see the different colour schemes everyone comes up with and today an added treat is seeing one of my kits (Geometric Suspensions in Fiesta) come to life before my eyes. I had played with the colours when choosing them for the kit but to see them in a larger piece was great and made me want to rush home and bead myself another bangle using them!

Another treat was seeing a student, Eileen Montgomery, use white beads. I have long avoided using white in my work, partly as its hard to get a photo of it and partly as I worried it would look too 'harsh', so instead pretty much all of my work that looks as though it has white actually uses DB203. This is a cream bead that looks white when used but doesn't have the 'chalk white' look I was trying to avoid.

But having seen how great the white looks I can see me using it a lot in my upcoming work...