Big Book News

posted: Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I've been home from New York for about 120 hours and am delighted to say that in that time I managed to get Geometric Beadwork Volume 2 all done and off to the printers!

This book has been a real labour of love, as was Volume 1, but I'm especially pleased to say that this time I personally not only took all but 3 photos that appear and laid out every single page, but all but 2 of the beadwork pieces featured were beaded by me.

I can't even begin to count how many pieces in total are in the book ( I lose count every time I try) but I couldn't resist putting in 2 that I think really fit with the book and deserve to be seen by a wider audience. What makes them both a perfect fit for the book is that they're both variations on projects of mine and showcase how some changes can give you something completely new.

Personally designing, beading and therefore understanding everything I show in my books is very important to me as I believe that until you pick up a needle, thread and beads and make these things you won't truly understand how they're created and how everything you do in their making has an impact in the finished result. Every bead and step in a project is there because I thought long and hard about its place and purpose and it is this complete knowledge and understanding I hope to get across in my books.

Over the next couple of weeks until it's back from the printer I'll be adding more project photos to the site as well as 10 kits to accompany the book so keep an eye out for them or sign up to my newsletter to find out about them as soon as they're out.