Creative Castle - Day 2

posted: Thursday, 10 April 2014

I flew into California 2 days ago to teach at Creative Castle in California and somehow managed to not take any photos of my first day here or my first class. Too busy enjoying the sunshine I guess!

Yesterday I taught Tila Geometrics and today's class is Strawberry Delight. This is a great class as you can add or remove rounds to bead your personal strawberry so it looks like no-one else's. It was even discovered that you can not realise there are instructions on the back of each page and still make a great strawberry!

This was the last class I ever thought people would play with colour and I was really pleased to be proved wrong. Over the day we had many different colours of strawberries appear (and a raspberry!) and promises of more to come.

Creative Castle is a great shop just crammed with tempting treasures and such lovely ladies who work there who know just how to add to the temptation hence my somehow now being the very pleased owner of a bead by Tom Boyland. I promise I only looked at the tray out of professional interest... but this bead just called to me and I can't stop looking and holding it. It's beautiful.