A Bit Of Beading

posted: Monday, 10 March 2014

Unfortunately I'm not able to do much beading at the moment, a recurring shoulder injury (bicep tendon subluxation which means my bicep tendon dislocates) is causing me many problems and as a result beading and computer work (or pretty much anything that used my right arm) are only briefly possible. Add to that a torn Achiles tendon and strained calf muscle and I'm feeling seriously in the wars.

But I'm beading when I can and trying to not let it get me too behind on my schedule for Geometric Beadwork Volume 2. Fingers crossed I can jump back in once it gets better.

In the meantime I have been working on a rope, though its first iteration just wasn't right. I beaded it in Delica 1852 (pewter) which I love, but the end result was just too dark for what I wanted. So I began again in Delica 1851 (light pewter) and the second attempt was a much greater success.

This rope will form part of a necklace I'm keeping under-wraps for now but hopefully I can soon let you see the entire piece.