The Joy Of Being A Student

posted: Thursday, 24 October 2013

I have long been a fan of the work of Sabine Lippert and it's seemed like for the past few years we've chased each other around the globe never managing to meet. So when I discovered she would be teaching in Florida around the same time I would be there I flew in early to meet her and take a class.

It's a long, long time since I've done a beading class so it was a real treat to sit and be a student for the day. I got to bead entirely for pleasure without having to worry about writing up the instructions or drawing diagrams of what I was making. It has been years since I have done any beading purely for pleasure without any constrictions or specific end goal in sight and I was reminded just how enjoyable beading is!

Sabine is just as lovely as expected and I'm beading away trying to finish my necklace like a good student so it doesn't go onto my 'one day I'll finish that' pile.