The Start Of Something Big

posted: Monday, 06 May 2013

Another new project for 'Small Beads, Big Jewelry' and this one is going to be big!

I began this with the idea of a twisted herringbone rope with additional embellishment beads and components and got started with some copper 6s and blue 11s.

Once I'd got going my mind began wandering on the theme of 'ropes' and before I knew it my original plan was scrapped and the project extended into a piece which will be knotted. I have had much fun 'Googling' knots and going through my knot book choosing one which will look attractive- fingers crossed.

The only downside is the rope will now need to be about 48 inches/ 120cm long. Thank goodness I decided to make it in 6s and not the 11s I was originally thinking of.