An All Round Education

posted: Saturday, 14 January 2012

When I booked to stay with Kate McKinnon I hadn't actually cottoned on that Kyle Cassidy was visiting her to run a day of photography class and portrait shooting. This was just an added bonus that I never in a million years thought would turn out so good. Boy was I glad I had fortuitiously decided to be bold and finally, over a year after I got it, actually taken 'scary camera' with me to try and grow to love it. I'm pleased to say that since Tuesday it is the only camera I have used (my reliable but damaged little snappy one has remained safely tucked away, but close at hand in case I panic and need to run back to using it again).

The day started simply with Kyle going over some photo basics and then we headed out to take some shots. Straight away I was having a problem I often have, washed out looking photos, and a quick tip from Kyle and BAM- instant improvement.

We were outside so I took hundreds of scenery shots but then, as I know I mainly want to perfect taking close-up photos of my jewellery, I decided to spend my time working on detailed photos and practising being able to focus on different areas in a scene.

The session over, we headed back to check over our photos and get an informative Photoshop lesson. Then it was time for the portraits.

I really don't have many words for what happened in the next few hours. I remember Kate standing on her car waving Godzilla. Diana Cannon looking amazing posing by a tree. Sarah Imhoult pretending to be dead whilst Gabriella van Diepen posed in a car. Jeroen Medema waving a tray to blow Doriot Lair's hair as she wielded a crow-bar in an evening gown and crown. Robin Douglas rocking a leather jacket and some jewellery. And myself wearing spots and a big red bow, posing in the middle of the street whilst Mormons pretended not to notice us.

Then there was a party with roller girls and a belly-dancer before some of us headed off to watch, and participate in, roller girls having wonderful portraits taken by Kyle.

Sometimes I wonder just how many ley lines connect under Kate's house which enable amazing people to come together, wonderful events to happen and changes, both monumental and subtle, to happen in people's lives in all sorts of ways. Or perhaps it's to do with Kate... I have been searching for a name for a weaver of magic and it appears she may be half-Sylph and half-Gnome. Having read that description I think it's clear we all need gnomes in our lives and I'm very glad to have her in mine.

P.S. I'm sure Kate would appreciate if I pointed out that she in no way resembles a gnome. She only has some of awesome qualities - not their physical attributes. In that sense she is all Sylph.