Art And Education

posted: Monday, 31 October 2011

Brian Williams, who I met last week, had kindly invited me to visit his studio and as I had already fallen in love with his work there was no way I wasn't going to accept the invitation.

So today I headed off to South London to his studio and as soon as he opened the door my brain was awash with colour. Having only previously seen photos of his paintings it was a pleasure to see them in real life and get to see the vivid colours as well as the differences in styles and sizes of work he has created over the years. As a bit fan of dots and colours, I of course loved his pieces which used pontilism but I also fell in love with a self-portrait he painted 30 years ago. The technical use of colour reminded me of 'Bread and Water' by Christopher Sercombe which I showed here recently

After a few hours talking art we headed off to the Tate Modern to see its Gerhard Richter exhibition. I first came across Richter's work back in 2009 when I visited Tate Liverpool for an exhibition on colour. I wanted to see his piece '4096 colours' but was interested to see his other work especially when I saw it encompassed so many different styles. But the colour chart pieces are definitely my favourite.

Going around the gallery with Brian was an education. Having studied art and art history for many years he is incredibly knowledgeable on the subject and I learnt a lot about different paintings, styles of paintings and artists. It was a nice experience to stand in front of a picture for ten minutes having all its details, composition and cleverness pointed out. It altered my perception of some pictures and I left the gallery liking some pictures I had previously dismissed.