They Know Me So Well

posted: Thursday, 06 October 2011

Two of the best things in life are friends and random acts of kindness. When both combine, as they did today, you know all is well in your world.

I turned up at skating practice tonight to see that two of my best friends had randomly bought me presents, which not only warmed my heart, but let me know they both know me too well.

The first one was a box of handmade glass animals- some gorgeous and some weird and disturbing looking. These will all have their turn on my 'shelf of wonders' where I can admire/ be appalled by them in equal amounts.

The other present, which came wrapped in pages from a book with a hospital appointment card as the gift tag, appeared to be a book on cats. That was enough for me but then I realised there was something inside. When I opened it, the treasure I discovered was a hip flask containing gin and covered in stickers of cats on TV. My friend had given herself blisters cutting out the pages of the book. That's true friendship.