
posted: Sunday, 24 April 2011

I'm being super, super lazy at the moment. I actually feel as though I am on holiday- which is joyful!

For this trip I packed, as I always do, my laptop to write instructions and draw diagrams, boxes and boxes of beadwork to finish as well as months worth of magazines and books of reading to catch up on and DVDs I wanted to watch. They have all been pretty much neglected and instead the combination of sunshine and sea air has unleashed my snoozy side and I spend hours every day just lying outside on the grass whiling away the hours doing and thinking nothng- a first for me and a novelty I am thoroughly enjoying.

I have got so lazy that today when I re-ordered my beaded beads on their neckwire I convinced myself I had done enough work for the morning and went for another sunny snooze!

But I did manage to get something done with a new project I started which is simple brick stitch using colours inspired by my surroundings.

After a drive this evening we find the local church lit up with the most amazing cross hanging on its front- it can be seen from miles away and is awe-inspiring and humbling to see.