Wirework Weekend Part 2

posted: Saturday, 02 April 2011

Today is the first full day of my wirework projects class and, as always, I have made sure it's jam-packed with projects, inspiration, fun and education. I don't want anyone getting bored!

It's a busy, and long, day punctuated with frequent food, tea and sunshine breaks. 

Over the course of the day I manage to fit in some wire-playing time and a simple thought about my pliers sparks off a series of ideas which I have fun trying to turn into actual samples. Then I have more fun trying to replicate the same things and actually turn them into workable projects.

The students are the lucky recipients of these brain waves as I bombard them with the new ideas and fill them with new inspiration. They leave at the end of the day with their brains and fingers tired, and perhaps hopeful they may get more time for boredom tomorrow.

I head off to bed with my mind full of new ideas I just wish the wire and my fingers were able to make real.