Beading Experiment Part 8

posted: Wednesday, 23 February 2011

So, I have put my previous experiment away to let it brew for a while and moved onto the next one.

I guess it is apparent that I am interested in geometry, especially when it comes to beadwork, even though it's not a subject I know anything about.

I get triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons etc but after that I'm lost- never mind the area of 3D.

But, for a few years I have been playing around with 3D beaded beads based on geometric shapes in various forms.

Some of them are: My geometric beaded beads in peyote stitch or brick stitch (both based on icosidodecahedrons), these crystal and seed bead beaded beads (in the shape of truncated icosahedrons) and many others scattered through my blog.

A while back I had the idea, whilst playing with a ball chain (such as these) to try and replicate the idea in seed beads.

I kind of know exactly what I want to create- the sticking point is what will I use to make the components which will make up the finished piece?

So today I was experimenting with more 3D shapes and playing around with what will be the two main components. I'm not very satisfied with it all, (though I do love beading the icosidodecahedron in a different way) so, yet another project to be put away eand pondered for a while.

Oh, I do wish my new beads would arrive so I can get on with beading the one project which has been a success out of all these experiments!