Relaxing Week

posted: Saturday, 02 October 2010

After rushing around so much recently I have decided to have a bit of a more relaxing week this week.

Well, of course it never turns out like that but at least I gave it a bit of a go!

Sunday involved a skate at Skating Heaven where I got to see children 1/7 of my age skate better than I ever could, then off to the cinema to be terrifed by Frozen.

I am a sucker for these type of films as I am convinced that if I ever get stuck in a ski lift I will now know what to do. I like to always be prepared!

Monday was a evening out to hear my favourite comedy podcast being taped (Collings and Herrin- not for the sensitively natured).

Tuesday was another trip to the cinema- this time to be scared by Devil.

From this I learnt that if I am ever trapped in a lift with the devil it's my own fault and there's nothing I can do but admit it.

So I am kind of prepared for that eventuality now.

You never know.

Wednesday is off to the hairdressers (finally- I last went in April so my roots were a bit out of control....) and another trip to Brick Lane for dinner.

This time we went to Shampan which unfortunately didn't have painting of naked ladies to distract us, but did have some of the nicest food I have ever eaten so I suppose that makes up for it!

Saturday I fitted in a trip to High Wycombe to see Battle Royale- a skating bout involving the best skaters the UK has to offer.

Then it's back to the cinema again, to see the Human Centipede about which words fail me.

Throughout the week I am busy beading away on my latest version of Interlocking Crystals (which I am teaching soon in New York) and am getting there slowly.