Sparkle And Strains

posted: Saturday, 20 June 2009

A busy day today which began in an incredibly painful, though fun, way with roller derby training. The less said about strained groins the better...

Onwards then, hobbling all the way, to bead group where I was in no mood to concentrate, or even sit, and so didn't get much done. But I was immensely cheered up when one of our new members had lots of lovely vintage Swarovski with her and let me buy some (much more than I'm showing you in the photo!) 

These are all perfect for me to bead around using my geometric beading and I'm itching to get on with them.

I know lots of you are waiting patiently (and not so patiently!) for my instructions for my two latest pieces (1-8-1 and 1-9-1) and I can assure you I'm working away on them any spare seconds I have- which isn't much at the moment.

As soon as the instructions are ready I'll let everyone on my newsletter list know but unfortunately because I am away so much working at the moment it will probably be the end of July at the earliest- sorry!