Beading Class

posted: Thursday, 01 May 2008

It's not often I get to go to a beading class so I always enjoy doing one when I'm on holiday.
GJ Beads in Cornwall run classes every week- really nice 2 hour ones where you can sit down, bead, buy and chat- what more could anyone want!?!

Last week I went ,but did my own thing, so this week I thought I'm shut my brain down for a bit and do the class- a netted lariat. Netting isn't a stitch I do often and I very rarely design my own pieces with it- I think the last one I did was a big netted collar for Bead last year (I must get it photographed and on here!)

I really enjoyed doing the class and sitting and chatting- great fun all round- and the best thing was I managed to finish my necklace and not have to come home with a UFO- I've still not fully finished the piece I started at a class there last year!