Back To Beading

posted: Thursday, 06 March 2008

Back from all my travelling for the moment and am rapidly trying to catch up on all my work and get some beading done.

I taught the 1st day of my 2-part Geometric Beadwork class on Saturday with the second one in two days time. I managed to get some beading done this week and am cracking on with Geometric 3-4-5.

And if course it's back to procrastinating and browsing the net! Some great bead and jewellery eye-candy sites:
Merle Berelowitz's lovely colourful work
Christine Marie Noguere's wonderful dramatic work
In-Sync's graphic design based jewellery
Neile's incredibly pieces using real butterfly wings and other items
Broken Fingers Art's great graphic jewellery and artwork
Dillon Designs' unique rings- I especially love the gossping birds!