
posted: Tuesday, 19 February 2008

New day, new country.
Today we decided to pop into Mexico, simply because we could!

I hadn't done it before, but it was even easier than I expected. A simple drive to the border, park up in a carpark and jump on a bus which gets priority through border cotnrol- we didn't even have to get off going there- and next thing you know you're in downtown Tijuana looking at a zebra- or not!

Tijuana is a strange place, the main street (Avenida Revolucion) is full of shops selling touristy items, restaurants or pharmacies as lots of people travel here to just buy cheaper prescription medication.

As we weren't interested in any of these items, we headed off to the Cultural Centre instead. It was full of school children but seemed completely not set up for 'foreign' visitors and they were baffled as to how to even sell us a ticket to get in to the exhibitons but after a good hour of asking people, wandering around different buildings and watching animated discussion we eventually got in.
The exhibition was strange and included lots of items such as chinese pottery which we couldn't work out why they were included. But there was this wonderful model of Christ made from a paste formed using corn cane and these amazingly decorative stirrups.

After stopping for coffee we walked back to the centre and walked past some men working hard on car upholstery and couldn't resist watching them for a while and taking a photo- all handicrafts appreciated here!