Countdown To LA

posted: Saturday, 02 February 2008

Still working away on my latest piece- I'm keeping it fairly secret at the moment until I'm happy with it- but you can see the colours I'm using in the picture.

Only 2 weeks til LA and 3 til 'Wearable Expressions'- how excited am I?
I've been searching the internet looking for what is going to be featured there and have come across some amazing work which I'm really looking forward to seeing:

Jon Ryan has some fantastic jewellery, also check out his blog and his flickr account to see more. I love when an artist shows you some of the 'background' to their work, whether it's where their inspiration comes from, some details on how items are made etc- so thanks to Jon for taking the time to do that.

To add to my keep fit in different ways I started Hula Hoop classes this week. It was great fun and so far we've learnt waist, hand, knees and neck spins as well as different ways of passing the hoop around your back and under your legs- all very circusy!