New Year And New Beginnings

posted: Tuesday, 01 January 2008

Welcome to 2008!

2008 got off to a great start for me with a night out at the Comedy Cafe where we watched Junior Simpson and Glenn Wool (who we'd just seen at the wonderful Office Party at the Barbican) consumed great food and lots and lots of alcohol. Fired up by this we danced til gone 3am and very tiredly made our way home.

Today was a much quieter day and I spent most of it beading. I'm working on a new geometric piece which will form one of a set of two, or possibly three, bracelets.

I'm full of new years resolutions especially around beading and some of them are:

1- Bead a new geometric piece a month
2- Complete a colour challenge with a colour inspired piece every month (January is white)
3- Bead a geometric beaded bead every month
4- Take part in the Four Seasons of Jewelry 2008 (having previously done 2006 and 2007)

The idea for the colour challenge came about last July after I bought some new books on colour and I've decided to keep it simple and make a piece each month inspired by a particular colour, my feelings about it and what I learn about it.

I received some exciting news today, two of my bracelets have been selected to appear in the Wearable Expressions 2008 exhibition- very exciting.