March Meet The Maker - Day 15 - Inspiration

posted: Tuesday, 15 March 2016

It's Day 15 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is: Inspiration.

The inspiration for my beadwork comes in many forms but it's usually the result of me asking questions such as 'What would happen if...' Or 'I wonder if I can make this happen...'

Some examples of these are shown in the first photo and include my geometric bead work triangle bangles which began life through a journey of different projects and the questions 'What would happen if I combined increasing & decreasing with a peyote stitch rope' and 'I wonder what would happen if I took the rope away'

Next are my beaded keys and lock (Key to My heart) and related projects, such as my Beaded Frames, began after I wondered about changing the direction of peyote stitch and turning it into brick stitch.

Lastly in the photo are my Geometric Stars and these were the end results of not being able to bead a flat square and wondering what on earth I could do with all the distorted beaded components I had. Lots of beading later and some iconic beadwork was born!

I also get a lot of my inspiration directly from the beads themselves and the world around me. A trip today to meet with Swarovski, and see their latest launches, introduced me to some inspiring new crystal shapes as well as some geometric wallpaper.