Quilting Away

posted: Thursday, 13 November 2014

Some of my newly ordered fabric is here and, sewing machine out, I dove into finally stitching together some blocks and then outlining them in white - and I am much more in love with it all than I was before.

Using the white has really made the colours pop and the individual blocks really stand out now and the colours and patterns don't get lost in the mix.

Although I have a lot of experience at playing with colour in beads, using fabric is a whole different ballgame. In fabric you not only have the colour but also the pattern and the difference between how something looks with a large-scale pattern versus a small one is really strong and isn't something I have any experience in yet so I have a lot to learn.

I guess it's like learning to work with all the different bead finishes available. That's something I wrote about in my first ever blog post over 8 years ago and I'm still experimenting and learning about the subject all the time.

Now I just need to master cutting and sewing fabric straight and I might just be able to make a decent quilt.