Moving Forward

posted: Thursday, 26 June 2014

Writing this blog can be an interesting thing. As I travel so much I don't always get to update it as it happens and instead I take photos and notes and write/ update and upload it on my return.

Reading through the notes and going back over the photos can be a lot of fun for me as it brings back memories and I get to relive my experience and be reminded of what I did and what I said, thought or felt at a specific time.

Sadly, very rarely fortunately, that process of looking back can be cast under a different shadow when by the time I write about what I've done I view my memories under a different light and see all the signs of trouble I merrily ignored as I went along.

I long ago decided no matter how events turn out I would not go back and re-write any parts of my my blog as everything I write is an accurate representation of my experiences. Attempting to re-write history or writing people or events out of situations is just stupid and I think reflects badly on the person doing it.

But what to do when I haven't yet written the blog?

Should I write about the events as though I was still in those naive days when my eyes weren't widened and I wasn't treated appallingly badly?

Should I pretend it didn't happen and just gloss over events or should I simply not write about anything that occurred during that length of time?

Should I write up my blogs through my new memories and detail all the nitty-gritty of events?

I'm not sure there's any right or wrong way to deal with these questions so I'll wander on in my own way, try and remember the fun things that happened and see what feels appropriate, all the time noting that, as much as anything else, I write this blog as a personal diary for myself to remember what I've done.

So here goes!

I've been really fortunate this year, and the last few, to do lots of travelling and have had a great time. I love meeting new people, and catching-up with old, getting to see new parts of the world and re-visiting old places and shops.

Sadly I guess I pushed my luck and unfortunately the start of my trip to Canada ends badly and dominates my time for a while when I return home.

Through my journey of being a beading designer, and being self-employed, I've had to learn many skills and deal with many people and events. Photography, diagram drawing, tax returns and writing etc I expected, but learning the minutiae of the Canadian Small Claims Court process and having to begin legal action just to get paid for my work was a surprise.

Sadly for the first time ever I have had to make the decision to never return to a place to teach as someone with-holding my teaching fee and expenses, trying to scam me out of income, lying about events, quizzing others to try and discover information about my personal finances and spending, writing numerous cheques and then cancelling them as soon as I leave their presence, all add up to behaviour that is beyond the pale.

I am sad about having to make the decision, though sleep better knowing I will never have to deal with them again, as teaching there I have met some of the loveliest and most inspiring students I have ever met.

But onwards and upwards and here are some photos that remind me of those students and the fun I had with them no matter what happened after they left.