Still Hanging Around

posted: Friday, 08 January 2010

It's still very cold and the snow is still on the ground.

Unfortunately, the conditions and transport problems meant I had to cancel my class today when half of the students emailed me to say they didn't think they were able to make it.

To cheer me up yesterday I sneaked off today to go and see the movie Avatar.

I love going to the cinema during the week when everyone else is heading off to work- it seems such a treat. OK, it usually means I end up working 'til midnight, but it's worth it for an empty cinema!

The film was amazing- so much better than I expected and I was really pleased to see that, although it's set in 2154, beadwork, macrame, tattoos and piercing are all the rage!

You can see some of the jewellery and props from the film here though my favourite- a large chest covering piece that went around the back too, worn by Neytir- isn't there.

I'm debating the idea of something similar as a future project for Bead...